Freitag, 1. Januar 2010

Sleep Apnea Machines - What you Need to Know

By Toby Russell

Sleep Apnea Machine

In this article we aim to just cover briefly some of the equipment options that may be available for sufferers, as always it is vital to have your condition properly diagnosed & the appropriate treatment prescribed by a qualified professional.

Sleep Apnea, a common sleep disorder can be corrected using different types of Sleep Apnea Machines. These machines are commonly known as CPAP machines.

Continuous Positive Air way Pressure (CPAP)

A CPAP machine is an electrically powered device, which can also (in some instances) run on batteries. It helps in maintaining continuous positive air pressure in the respiratory tract.

This nasal treatment is opted for people with Obstructive and Mixed Sleep Apnea Syndrome. While sleeping, a small air blower is connected to the nose with the help of a mask. This Sleep Apnea Machine keeps the airway from collapsing and opens a proper air passage by continuously pumping in air into the respiratory tract either through the nose or mouth. This machine is customary for treating & controlling the effects of Sleep Apnea.

Possible side effects .........

A Sleep Apnea Machine may make the mouth and nose dry and stuffy and irritate the skin. It can also prove to be uncomfortable during sleep. These difficulties can be eliminated by using a humidifier, which avoids the irritation caused due to the pumping in of dry air. A humidifier is a good accessory for CPAP sleep apnea machines and is certainly worth considering.

When the CPAP machines are used for the first time there can be difficulties getting used to the sensation and it can take some time to adjust to wearing the mask and straps. However within a few days a normal sleep pattern can usually be reached. It is important that suitable masks and straps are used to obtain the best fit.

Other Options:

Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) � this machine is used in the treatment of different kinds of breathing disorders, other than treating Sleep Apnea alone. It is slightly different from Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machine. The machine senses the level of air needed by the patient and provides the person with adequate measure of air pressure. In the natural breathing process, for inhalation a minimum quantity of air is needed and for exhalation more air is required. Accordingly the machine provides only a little pressure on exhalation and more on inhalation.

Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) is more expensive than others.
BiPAP is especially useful for obese patients, those with different neuro-muscular disorders and patients who are generally intolerant to CPAP sleep apnea machine.

Tongue Retaining Devices (Splints) � these devices are used primarily for people with snoring habits. It is fitted onto the tongue of the person (where the tongue causes obstruction) and it sucks the tongue forward opening the passage for air.

Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) � This treatment is fitted on the lower jaw. It pulls the jaw a little forward and opens the passage of air. Periodical replacement of the device is prescribed. The device is useful for people with mild Sleep Apnea.

Automatic PAP Devices - this Sleep Apnea Machine provides minimum supply of air pressure depending on different parameters. It adjusts the pressure as per the intake of air that a person takes in to what is required.

Sleep Apnea machines are a vital tool in dealing with Sleep Apnea and various other sleep disorders and have provided good results.

However as with any medical condition it is vital that correct & professional advice is sort prior to starting any treatment.

Toby Russell owns & operates an information-based website, which aims to offer help and advice to sleep apnea sufferers.

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